Rather than learning how to avoid near occasions of sin, The Bridegroom’s Prayer teaches us how to seek near occasions of grace through reflecting on the 13 petitions of Christ Jesus in His prayer of High Intimacy to His Father before His sacrifice on the Cross (Seventeenth Chapter of John).In the first book of his series on Cooperating with God, contemplative David L. Gray draws from the rich treasure of sacred Scripture, patristic texts, writings of the saints, Catholic Church teachings, and his own stories from his own life to present a masterpiece in systematic Catholic spiritual theology. This book is a must-have for all disciples of Christ.
About Author
Mr. David L. Gray is a Catholic Theologian, Author, and Humorist. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BS) from Central State University (Ohio) and a Masters of Arts in Catholic Theology (ThM) from Ohio Dominican University. David is a convert to Catholicism by way of Agnosticism and Protestantism. He resides in Kaiserslautern, Germany, with his wife and is the President and Publisher of Saint Dominic's Media Inc. To learn more about Mr. Gray visit davidlgray.info